Fruit Salad Recipe |
2 pc Lacatan Bananas (sliced (marinated in 1/3 container natural product mixed drink syrup for 5 minutes then depleted)
1/4 cup Desiccated Coconut
1 Coconut Cream
1 pc Buco (shredded)
1 jars (836 g each) Del Monte
Party Fruit Cocktail (drained (store 1 container syrup))
1 can (227 grams) Del Monte
Smashed Pineapple
Cooking Procedure:
1. Blend the DEL MONTE Pineapple Crushed and coconut cream.
2. Hurl in the natural product mixed drink and destroyed buco.
3. Top with dessicated coconut. Chill and serve.
4. Makes 8 servings.
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