Sunday, February 1, 2015

PINOY LECHON RECIPE February 01 2015

Pinoy Lechon - Each Filipino knows and loves this formula. It is exceptionally renowned particularly in extraordinary events like party, birthdays, wedding and even in straightforward festivals. Today, we are going to figure out how to cook lechon with the goal that we can attempt this at home. Don't be astonished if this formula is unique in relation to what you know, in the same way as I generally say, there are a ton of routes on the best way to cook a solitary dish. It is dependent upon you on how you need the sustenance to taste.

Pinoy Lechon Recipe
Pinoy Lechon


1 entire pig (around 18-20 kls. , cleaned)

for the stuffing:

Lemon grass

Onion Leeks

Mango Leaves (discretionary)

2 pcs Laurel or Bay Leaves

Rock Salt

Entire Peppercorn

Soy Sauce


We expect that the pig is as of now cleaned and prepared for this formula.

Rub within the pic with rock salt and peppercorn.

Emulated with soy sauce.

Put inside the mango leaves, tree, onion leeks and lemon grass.

Join the paunch of the pig and verify no fixings will turn out.

Stick the pig with a bamboo.

Cooking Procedure

To meal the pig, hang it in a manner that it is conceivable to pivot it.

Don't put the charcoal straightforwardly beneath the pig. It will effortlessly smolder the lechon. Put charcoal on both sides of the pig.

While turning the pig, coat it with sprite or other pop to make it more fresh.

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