Saturday, January 31, 2015


SIOMAI is a conventional Chinese dumpling. This famous dumpling has gone to the heart of the Filipino's as confirm by the many stalls, eateries, and restaurants who serve them. In the Philippines is frequently ground pork, meat, shrimp, among others, consolidated with extenders like turnips, carrots and different vegetables which is then wrapped in wonton wrappers or molo wrappers. It is either steamed   or singed bringing about a fresh outside.

Customarily cooked through steaming, siomai these days are additionally served broiled complimented with soy sauce and crushed calamansi, and for some, with a sleek, fiery garlic blend.



250 grams ground pork

1/2 tablespoon salt

1/2 teaspoon dark ground pepper

1 tablespoon knorr flavoring

6 cloves garlic, minced

1 medium onions, finely hacked

1 little carrots, finely hacked

3 stems spring onion finely hacked

1 egg

1 tablespoon tan sugar

2 tablespoon flour

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 pack molo wrapper


In a dish, Combine all the fixings together with the exception of the wrapper. (salt, pepper, fluid flavoring, minced garlic, onion, carrots, spring onion, egg, tan sugar, flour and cornstarch), Mix together.

Wrap the meat in wanton wrapper by putting around 1 tbsp of the mixture in the inside of the wrapper then press all the sides around to the center leaving an open space on top.

Place all the wrapped mixture in the steamer.

Steam for 20-25 minutes. (medium to high hotness)

Serve hot with kikkoman soy sauce and calamansi or lemon dip. Impart and appreciate!

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